Emily was born by a beautiful golden retriever, she was never been a stray, her mother - the golden was. I rescued Emily’s mother from the street, whom I named MeiMei after taking her home, MeiMei means “a little girl” in Chinese. MeiMei was not spayed before I rescued her, and it was too late to terminate her pregnancy when our Vet. found out she was pregnant. Another reason why I didn’t terminate her pregnancy is because I am a Buddhist, we believe in no killing lives.
MeiMei and her black puppies. She was feeding her 4 puppies in my house.

This is puppy Emily - she was the most brave puppy among all.

MeiMei was the most responsible mother I have ever seen. During her nursing period when she stayed with me and my other 2 dogs in the living room, if she heard puppies cried for nursing, she would walk into the nursing room immediately and lay down there nursing her puppies. If they were animals they wouldn't do the same thing as the human' mothers do for their babies. She took care of her puppies so well. She didn't even want me to help her with her puppies. She wanted to do her job all by herself.

I am a volunteer of an animal protection association - LAA in Taiwan, we hold a dogs and cats adoption activity on Sundays. Emily was adopted by a family on this adoption activity when she was 1 month old. Last year in September I paid a visit to see Emily, I found out that her former owners didn’t treat Emily well, actually they treated her badly, they leashed her day and night outside their house, they lived in an apartment on second floor, where Emily lived had no any covers, shelves or kennel to protect her from the rain drenched, she could be suffered from the sun heat in the summer or suffered from the freezing cold weather in the winter. She lived on her urine and droppings, the only space she could move around was a 4 meters long distance, that was about her leash’s length. When I found out Emily was living in a such bad condition whilst I had 4 rescued dogs with me in my house, I was unable to take her home immediately at that time.
This is where and how Emily used to live.

Her nails were very long and her paws were soft which can prove she had never walked out their door.

This year in May, one of my rescued dogs, a new puppy was adopted, so that I could take another dog in and I decided to visit Emily’s former owners’ again and do something for her to change her life.
People who would adopt our dogs or cats are required to sign up an adoption contract between the rescuers and the adopters. There are certain clauses indicated in this contract, and the adopters have to accept these clauses as an agreement. One of the clauses and is the most important one in this contract declares “All puppies and kittens are required to be spayed and neutered when they have become adults”, this is under the adoption contract, we do this in order to stop producing more stray dogs in Taiwan. The main reason why I must take Emily away from her former owners immediately was I found out later they were refusing to get Emily spayed, not to mention she has been neglected so badly.
When Emily finally got to leave her old life and come home with me, on the first day we took her home she barely could climb up the stairs to reach the third floor where my apartment located, and she smelled like urine, she needed a bath as soon as we entered home. I have a good reason to suspect that Emily was never having a chance to be taken out for a walk or to be unleashed to play.
Emily just got home, after the bath I took some photos on her and her mother. This is the best photo.
She was a bit overweight when she came home due to the lack of exercise in her old life.

She enjoys playing her toy very much. We have plenty of toys in our house she can play with.

I am so glad that I have taken her home with me at last, her former owners refused to let me take her away, but I have the right to claim her back as they refused to do exactly what they had agreed to do - spayed Emily. Thanks to the LAA association who had involved into this matter and helped me to claim my Emily back, so she now has the chance to run and to play with the other dogs, and enable her to feel the ground and the grass, to really use her paws, her feet. She likes to cuddle a lot, she likes to fetch and play balls and toys, I don’t know where she inherits this habbit, it probably came from part of her blood of the golden retriever.
Emily and her mother again! She shed a lot, I trimmed her hair all off.

The senior beagle, Fae who needed a trim as well.

In Taiwan, a dog like Emily could probably end up with being a watch dog, I think that is her former owners adopted her for, and that’s the last thing in the world I need for her, that’s why I have decided to send her to America for adoption. I know American people treat dogs more humane than people here and good laws to protect pets. What I want for her is that she gets the best, I hope I really hope that she can find a fine and decent family who would treat her as a member of the family, not just a dog.
Went out for a walk with my 2 rescued golden retrievers.
She really likes her ball. She even sleeps with her ball.

Emily used to live with her feces, so she got used to discharge her feces at where she lives and sleeps, she was not trained at all, it took me a while to train her not to urinate inside, but outside, now she gets she needs to pee and take bowl movement outside while she is taken out.
This indoor portable kennel which I set up for her to let her sleep at night and to train/stop her not to urinate anywhere inside the house, but she seems to believe that’s the place she should urinate and take bowl movement.

I put some pads under the plastic mats, so she can pee here just fine and won't get herself all urinated.

I leave the kennel door open so when Emily feels she needs to urinate, she goes in there and pee which is a good thing, I don't need to walk her every day while my 2 goldens require to be walked twice a day.

Sometimes when her kennel is occupied by Fae, I see her looking for some place to pee I will take her out to my balcony and tell her to pee or pupu, she does what she told. She is a smart girl.

The new & happy Emily!

She has been exercising a lot ever since she got home. She keeps in good shape now. People have been asking me the same question about Emily. They ask me if Emily is a labrador, I tell them no, she is not, she is a mixed dog, Emily was born by a golden retriever that's why she looks like a labrador.
We shopped at B&Q

Emily & Snowy are two good playmates.

This is how Emily smiles.

And laugh!

Keeping in good shape!

All dogs must remain behind the waiting line......... I am taking MeiMei out for a walk while the other dogs just stand inside, they know that they have been walked, so this is not their turn to go out.

They are all pulling - playing with big golden's leash.

Play! Play! Play! That's all they want for.

The winner of the pulling competition is the little one - Snowy!

All the dogs must remin inside the doggies's room!

You too Snowy! You stay inside the doggies's room.

Emily and I we joined an activity on last Sunday which is to spread the thought to people about the benefit of adopting mixed dogs rather than to buy pure-bred. The mix dogs have less inherited diseases while the pure-bred dogs often have these. And Emily stands for hershelf, because she is a mix.

Emily sit and wait for a good treat.

Emily sit!

A house with a big yard and people with big hearts is a perfect home for Emily, while I am currently unable to support a big house for her, that’s why I need to find her a family who is able to.